Done for Lojam! The theme was Growth
A Game Jam hosted in London Ontario!
Thanks for playing and thanks for everyone who helped set up this great event!
Audio by Connor Grail
Done for Lojam! The theme was Growth
A Game Jam hosted in London Ontario!
Thanks for playing and thanks for everyone who helped set up this great event!
Audio by Connor Grail
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love this game! I only wish tere were level about getting two blocks in one move (like it heppend to me in the end screen and I moved two at the same time) so it could be a great puzzl
i got all the ones in the end screen
I like it better than your usual games... only wish for more levels. also whats the point of the last block in high jump?
This is a fun puzzle game! Didn't take long to get the hang of the controls, and the introduction to how the pink block can walk like the green one was well done. I agree with the other commenters that Fish took me the longest, but in a good way. Figuring that one out was super satisfying. Thanks for the game!
im gooning
Good game : )
Very fun
although one of the challenges is beating me (fish, been working on it for two days). With no regards for what's actually available, I can't think of a single configuration that can make that last jump.Finally got it and feel slightly stupid. Wonderful!Unless I'm mistaken about something, I believe this is how this works:
I'm stuck on fish, send help
Gigachad moment
Amazing game, and calming..also......challenging
great game! if someone is having trouble understanding the controls, when you touch a brick you need to place it next to you (or other brick you have on you) and press space or enter, grey bricks dont to anything, they just expand your body, but the pink bricks move for you, placed to the left or right of your green brick (or another pink brick) it can make you jump higher, i hope this helps!